Digital Literacy

Digital literacy goes way deeper than simply knowing how to use the internet.  It means being able to gain insight, information, and knowledge from the resources you find on the internet.  It can also mean being able to use the many functions offered through technology to your advantage.  This can include so many different tools.   The world of technology is constantly evolving.  Our quest for digital knowledge should also be evolving constantly.  New technology means we need to learn how to use new tools.  I will be the first to admit to lacking technological literacy.  I am comfortable with the “basics” but ask me how to build a website and I am completely lost.  I only know how to use the simplest features on my smartphone. I would love to be able to express my creativity through technology and I am hopeful that this class will make me more comfortable with these techniques. 

“Technology must be like oxygen: ubiquitous, necessary, and invisible.” 

-Chris Lehmann, Principal of Science Leadership Academy (Click the link above to visit the US digital literacy site)

One thought on “Digital Literacy

  1. For me, a big part of digital literacy–indeed of all learning–is “just in time” learning. I hate being asked to learn things that aren’t currently relevant to me. Especially with technology, with is just so vast with so many different possibilities.


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